Lines in the Sky Outfitting is the exclusive outfitter for sandhill crane, Hungarian partridge, ducks and geese in Wildlife Management Zone 8 in southwest Saskatchewan, a unique arid part of the province. They also operate in WMZ 9, giving bird hunters access to a large area in southwest Saskatchewan.
They concentrate on sandhill crane and Hungarian partridge hunting over dogs. They also specialize in duck and goose wing shooting, however decoy hunts can be arranged as well.
While extra attention is paid to their client’s comfort in the field, their outfitting model is geared towards the blue collar bird hunter who does not require a private lodge, chef, and lying in the field over massive decoy spreads. Hunting packages are pro-rated individual hunts throughout the day that allow clients to choose two or three hunts per day - morning and evening crane/waterfowl hunts and day upland bird hunts. Rates include guide, dogs (retrievers and pointers), truck and all necessary equipment for hunting. New or young hunters are welcome and bringing your own hunting dogs is encouraged. Motel, restaurants, general store, meal services and fuel are available in Burstall.
Contact Info
Based at Burstall. Hunting area in SW Saskatchewan on Alberta border, between Maple Creek and South Saskatchewan River.
Latitude: 50.65976 Longitude: -109.9058